What is a body wrap session? This is a modern salon procedure. It includes a comprehensive and step-by-step care directly for the skin of the body. As a rule, during the procedure, special lotions, creams, and masks based on natural and healing algae are used.
Active substances-extracts from seaweed with extracts help to stimulate blood circulation, they improve the removal of toxins and harmful substances from the body, enhance skin tone, help it to recover as soon as possible, return our body freshness and softness.
Main stages of body wrapping
A perfectly executed wrap should be carried out in several stages. This:
implementation of skin cleansing. You can do this with any scrub or lotion. The scrub helps to exfoliate skin particles that are keratinized. The pores open. Performing a massage using a hard glove. Applying a special mud mask to the body. All the useful elements contained in algae help to stimulate the work of fat cells, as well as make toxins leave the problem areas;
applying the mask. The healing clay that is part of it helps to eliminate cellulite. There is an active saturation of the subcutaneous zone with oxygen, as well as trace elements, in the area of fat deposits, metabolic processes begin to take place more actively. In order for the entire process to proceed faster, a special thermal effect is created during the session. The effect of this mask lasts from 15 to 25 minutes. After applying a special cream;
cooling stage. At this stage, the pores should be closed and the skin should be tightened. This role is performed by all the active substances of anti-cellulite creams, which contain menthol, camphor and other useful compounds. You will have a feeling of unimaginable lightness and beauty, comfort and coolness. Apply cream against cellulite is from the bottom up. This is done for the purpose of outflow of lymph. Otherwise, all the toxins and slags will remain. They are sent to the blood and are excreted through the kidneys.
Basic tips and recommendations for body wraps
At the stage of undergoing such a procedure as body wrapping, it is necessary to go to the sauna and do a lymphatic drainage massage to achieve optimal results. In addition, it is necessary to correctly approach nutrition issues. Eat more vegetables, healthy fruits and less fat, spicy, flour.
The main types of wraps are:
mineralizing agent;
wraps performed for weight loss and others.
Currently, this procedure has become very popular for a number of reasons (numerous advantages, healing properties and the ability to solve aesthetic problems).
The essence of body wraps
The procedure is used actively in those areas that are more affected by excessive deposits. Namely, the legs, buttocks, thighs, and stomach. Special tools are applied to these areas, after which the body is wrapped in a film or thermal blanket in order to achieve the greenhouse effect.
The method of conducting a modern hot body wrap is based directly on the use of ingredients that have a warming effect on the skin. Hot pepper or mustard can be used as ingredients. The mask should be preheated to a temperature of 38 degrees. During the session, a special effect is created, which contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, as well as improving blood flow and opening the pores.
Another type of wrap completely eliminates the use of any heating components, and does not require heating the entire mass. The mixtures that are used for the procedure usually consist of medicinal algae, as well as oils and plant extracts.
Thanks to the active influence of various components, body wrap helps to forget about excess fat deposits, edema, stretch marks and cellulite. If your skin has lost its elasticity, it will become beautiful and smooth.
Why is it better to have a session in a Wellness center
The procedure, which is carried out by professionals, allows you to achieve much better results than manipulations at home. Masters fully comply with the techniques and techniques, and use only proven tools. You can also combine wraps performed in a special Wellness center with other methods, which allows you to get rid of cellulite faster.
SPA Riviera Wellness center offers the following types of treatments:
Express wrapping "Ice and fire". An innovative and highly effective procedure that is carried out by real professionals in the fight against cellulite. The wrap has a special heating and cooling effects. After the first session, you will feel an unforgettable lightness, comfort and feel a surge of energy. Helps to improve metabolic processes, accelerate skin regeneration, and eliminate toxins;
anti-aging wrap Palette with multi-colored clay. Comprehensive care. It is made by masters individually based on the needs of your skin. The program is based directly on the use of healing colored clays with various properties, as well as a combination of thermal effects and a full-fledged, deep cleansing. In order to achieve optimal results, the products used include useful extracts of brown algae, as well as unique oil complexes.
Order a body wrap procedure at SPA Riviere, and you will be able to restore your vitality right now, get rid of stress and tension and just have a great time. SPA Riviera Wellness center is equipped with all the necessary equipment that is required for procedures.
It offers more than 50 of the most unique SPA services that allow you to relax and get real pleasure from every minute of your stay here. SPA Riviera is your best choice.