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What are cellulite wraps?
Wrapping is one of the types of thalassotherapy, is one of the most common and popular procedures in cosmetology at present.

This is more often a salon procedure designed for complex skin care, but you can also perform it at home. The main purpose of cellulite wraps, as a rule, is to lose weight and fight excess weight. The advantage of the service is a fairly quick achievement of the desired result. For a visible effect, 3 procedures are enough.

Also, wraps are useful not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for health. These procedures speed up blood circulation, improve the removal of toxins and slags from the body, improve skin regeneration, increase its tone, restore freshness and elasticity.

Anti-cellulite wrap is currently very popular, as it is quite affordable procedure, characterized by high performance.

In addition to getting rid of cellulite and weight loss, wraps have other indications – the removal of excess water and fat, as well as other harmful metabolic products that accumulate under the skin. As a result, cellulite reduction, reduction of body volume, improved blood circulation, skin lifting, good tone, and others.

Types of cellulite wraps
There are several classifications of species. For example, depending on the temperature and method of exposure, there are two types:

You can familiarize yourself with the differences, indications and contraindications, as well as with the mechanism of influence of cold and hot wraps.

anti-cellulite wrap

I would also like to highlight such types as:

The peculiarity of the bandage wrap from cellulite is that before this procedure, the skin is treated with peeling, which improves its permeability, then the body is wrapped with special elastic bandages and applied cosmetic compositions.

You can distinguish such types of bandage treatment as anti-cellulite, modeling and moisturizing. The choice of a particular type depends on the auxiliary tools used.

You can increase the effectiveness of the procedure by combining it with manual massage. Do it 20 minutes after the start of the session. At the end of the procedure, the bandages are removed, but the cosmetics themselves can not be washed off.

Self-feeding wraps are ideal for correcting body lines and treating cellulite. The body is cleansed of harmful compounds, activates the metabolism and increases the elasticity of the skin.

As a rule, beauty salons offer a procedure that includes the following stages: skin cleansing, lymphatic drainage massage, and the use of medications. The undeniable advantage of this type of wrap can be called convenience and safety, anti-stress effect. The human body is wrapped in sheets that contain special tools. The session duration is approximately one hour.

The alginate cellulite wrap procedure takes its name from the use of alginate polysaccharides of natural origin. As a result this cooling effect, toning of the skin and constriction of blood vessels.

Also, positive results are the removal of toxins, weight loss, reduction of fat deposits, improvement of skin condition, restoration of the activity of the sebaceous glands.

When can I do cellulite wraps
So, anti-cellulite wrap is incredibly useful, but, like any procedure, there are indications and contraindications. Now we will look at who and when they are useful, and who is contraindicated.


skin that has lost its elasticity, for example, after losing weight or giving birth, etc.
local fat deposits;
presence of stretch marks;
hyperkeratosis or goose bumps;
sensitive skin, dry, prone to peeling;
problem skin with the presence of stagnant spots, scars;
heaviness in the legs and swelling;
depressive States, nervousness, and others.
anti-cellulite wrap

Main contraindications:

a malignant tumor of any origin. The reason is that any anti-cellulite programs increase metabolism and speed up blood flow. Rapid cell growth – tumor development;
pregnancy. During an interesting situation, women should approach the choice of cosmetic sessions with extreme caution. After all, any procedure, even the most harmless at first glance, has a load on the body. It is best to avoid such influences altogether during this period. And cellulite wraps are no exception;
the period of menstruation. As already noted, any wrap greatly accelerates blood circulation in the organs. It is obvious that the risk of large bleeding increases markedly. And this will negatively affect the condition;
various infectious diseases with fever. The reason is that during an illness with the presence of fever, the load on all organs increases significantly. Anti-cellulite wraps accelerate blood circulation and increase the load on the body, which is undesirable for a weakened body;
diabetes. In complex stages, this disease disrupts the normal functioning of the entire body. The person who has this diagnosis, it is very difficult to cope with increased loads, so to prevent adverse events from wrapping cellulite is better to refuse;
kidney or heart failure, lung or liver failure also serve as a contraindication to performing the session. There are some types of procedures, which include wraps against cellulite, which significantly enhance and accelerate blood circulation throughout the body. The effect is similar to that of physical exertion. And for people who have the above-mentioned diseases, increased loads act unfavorably;
allergy. Anti-cellulite programs are absolutely contraindicated for people who are prone to allergic reactions. After all, there is no guarantee that the body will respond normally to the components included in the masks for wrapping. In other words, the risk is quite high. But if you still want to try this procedure, then be sure to visit your doctor first and get his approval. It should also be borne in mind that, for example, at a low temperature, the same component may not cause allergies, and at a high temperature – it will cause or Vice versa. Therefore, cellulite wraps may not be recommended.
anti-cellulite body wrap

Local contraindications:

I do not advise to carry out the procedure wraps against cellulite after a session of mesotherapy, hair removal or any other types of skin exposure, which is likely to breach the integrity of the skin.
problems in the area of the skin where the session is planned. This includes cuts or wounds, any fungal infections, non-healing sutures after surgery, and various types of dermatitis. During the procedure, not only blood circulation is accelerated. Also, the lymph flow is still activated. And as a result, infection with lymph can be transferred to other healthy organs. That is, the affected areas of the skin should never be subjected to cellulite wraps.
lymphangitis and lymphadenitis. These diseases are associated with inflammation of blood vessels and lymph nodes. In this situation, the procedure will accelerate the spread of infection throughout the body, the consequences can be very different.
Thus, if you have no contraindications to this session, then the procedure will only benefit you.

Hot cellulite wraps
According to the method of action, they are classified into cold and hot. The difference is in the influence options and in the temperature modes.

Hot wraps against cellulite provide an effect on the skin through the influence of high temperature. However, this does not mean that it should be scorching.

In another way, the procedure of hot wrapping is called normothermal, that is, coinciding with the natural temperature of the human body. Before applying to the skin, the composition is warmed up to 37-38 C. Do not heat higher, as this will create a stressful situation for the skin and the entire body.

The thermal effect is achieved primarily by accelerating blood circulation, rather than by directly heating the tissues. The compositions for modern hot wraps often include so-called warming substances that help to improve blood circulation.

One of these substances is cinnamon. Adding it to the mask for the procedure increases blood circulation in the treated area of the skin. An additional thermal effect is achieved and the effect of the composition is improved.

To achieve the perfect sauna effect and maintain heat, the skin areas treated with a special composition are covered with a special film. Then you can additionally lie down under a warm blanket or put on thermal clothing.

Hot wrap-principle of operation
When conducting a hot cellulite wrap, the following occurs:

deep tissue heating;
improved blood circulation;
acceleration of lipolysis;
improved metabolism;
opening the pores.
Thanks to the opening of the pores, various slags and melted fat deposits leave the body, and all the useful components penetrate the skin.

In effect create effect of a sauna, hot wraps has a direct impact on problematic skin. Local temperature increase perfectly improves the processes of metabolism in tissues, activates blood circulation, relieves edema and improves the functioning of sweat glands.

Different heating agents are also used in order to achieve the maximum effect. This can be a variety of types of pepper, mustard, fragrant ginger, strong coffee, healing honey, the best essential oils, water (warmed to a temperature of 37.3-38.2 °C).

These components are added to the base. Any of the following elements can be used as a base: sea mud, seaweed, clay, honey, vegetable oil.

Skin preparation
Before the session, you should perform special hygiene procedures, massage the skin and clean it, for example, with a scrub. The first step is to take a bath or shower, thereby steaming the skin. After that, use a hard sponge and scrub to perform self-massage and clean the skin. Cleansing should be performed carefully, since the skin with irritation is a contraindication to the session.

Then, after finishing the preparation, a heating compound is immediately applied to the skin and fixed using a food film. You need to wrap a blanket or use warm clothing and lie down for 20-40 minutes. It should be remembered that the duration of the hot wrap procedure is less than the cold one.

During the session, the person should have a feeling of warmth. But with any deterioration in health or severe burning, you should immediately wash with comfortable water. Wrapping should not be a torment. It is necessary that it was pleasant, improve the appearance and well-being. And to achieve a positive stable result, we need a comprehensive approach.

Contraindications to a hot cellulite wrap
In this procedure there are more contraindications in comparison with cold. So, it is unacceptable to make it to people with vascular and heart diseases, as well as with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

It is also contraindicated for pregnant and nursing women, during menstruation, those who are allergic to the components of the composition, people with painful and damaged skin. In order for the procedure to benefit only, make sure that you have no contraindications, strictly observe its duration, monitor your feeling throughout the procedure – if you feel worse, immediately stop.

Cold anti-cellulite body wraps
Cold cellulite wraps are procedures whose main goal is to get rid of fat, excess weight, and stretch marks.

The main difference in comparison with hot is in the features of applying a special composition to the skin. All vessels and capillaries do not expand, but, on the contrary, narrow, and toxins leave the body through the internal organs.

The basis of the action of wraps
When creating any composition, one of the 3 bases is used: algae, healing clay, sea mud, sunflower oil. And in order to prepare a mixture for cold wrapping, various extracts and oils with a cooling effect are added to the above substances. This can be mint, also aloe, lemon, cucumber, and others. Strong coffee and vinegar can be used. Mineral water is necessary. It is cooled to 23-24 °C.

Thanks to this, a greenhouse effect is achieved without heating, and unlike hot wrapping, cold wrapping is suitable for clients who suffer from venous diseases. As a result, the skin calms down, capillaries contract, and stress is removed. This restores the metabolic processes in the tissues, improves skin tone, and reduces puffiness.

And, as a result, cellulite disappears. But it should be remembered that to maintain the long-term effect of wraps should be used in conjunction with other measures – a review of the diet, stress control, sports, etc.

You can notice the positive result of the procedure after 10-15 sessions. The best frequency is three procedures per week. But you shouldn't do it all the time. There should be a break after a month. Everything is relative here – if the cellulite stage is high, you can do it for two months. Then a month and a half should be a rest between courses.

Cellulite wraps and skin preparation
Skin preparation is the most important stage, since the effectiveness depends on the quality of skin cleansing. For the sake of cleaning, a scrub based on medicinal coffee or sea salt is used – it contains deep cleansing substances.

You should take a bath or massage difficult areas before cleaning. So the pores will open, and blood circulation will improve. First, a hard sponge cleanses the skin, then a scrub is applied, massaged for a couple of minutes and washed off with water.

Thanks to the contrast of the cooling composition and the skin warmed up by the massage, the pores instantly close, capillaries narrow, and there is an outflow of liquid. As a result, skin elasticity and firmness increase, cellulite bumps disappear.

It should be remembered that temperature contrasts are contraindicated for clients with heart diseases. Instead of warming up procedures, such people need to perform self-massage with non-aggressive means and cleansing with the use of a scrub.

Contraindications to cold wrapping
In comparison with hot, cold wraps from cellulite contraindications are not so much. This is the menstrual cycle, kidney disease in the chronic stage, some gynecological problems, pregnancy, cystitis and some others.

In all other cases, just follow the safety precautions – do not double the time of the procedure, use hypoallergenic formulations, do not forget about rest during the cellulite wrap. Remember that the positive effect depends on the proper preparation of the composition and skin areas, and not on the duration. The ideal working time of the train is 38-55 minutes.

The main types of body wraps
Such types of procedures as oil, mud, clay, chocolate and honey are very popular among many clients of beauty salons. They not only help to reduce the appearance of cellulite, but also activate the processes of splitting fat cells, saturate the skin with vitamins, minerals and macronutrients.

At the final stage of each procedure, a special anti-cellulite gel or cream is applied to the client's skin. Such means have the necessary lipolytic effect,and also increase the effectiveness of the session.

SPA Riviera Wellness complex offers the following types of cellulite wraps:

anti-aging body wrap Palette with multi-colored application of healing clay. Special comprehensive care that is developed individually depending on the needs of the skin. The innovative program is based on the use of high-quality clays with unique properties, as well as a competent combination of thermal effects, complete purification. In order to achieve maximum effect, medicinal extracts of brown algae and oil complexes were included in the composition of the products. After the first session, you will feel an improvement in the overall condition of the skin, a surge of strength, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, get rid of sprains and swelling, and notice improvements in the condition of the figure;
Express wrapping "Ice and fire". This is a unique and unforgettable procedure that contributes to the active fight against excess weight. The difference is noticeable cooling and heating effects. After the first procedure, you will definitely feel light, energized, cheerful and in a great mood. The wrap helps to tone the skin, as well as improve the processes of metabolism in the body, smooth out small wrinkles and form the contours of the body.
If you want to order cellulite wraps right now and at a reasonable price, contact the elite SPA Riviera complex. Here you can quickly restore your strength, get rid of stress and tension, and plunge into the world of absolute harmony.

SPA Riviera – your best anti-cellulite programs right now.

Price for anti cellulite wraps and programs in Minsk in the SPA Riviera complex

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