In fact, Spa treatments are the same, regardless of whether they are intended for girls or for guys. The same goes for the face. Although there are several features of a Spa for men and women, in General they do not make much difference.
Spa features for men
But, if all procedures are universal, what can a guy choose to have his session as an individual SPA for men? Well, first of all, the first difference will be cosmetics and their smell. Of course, it is possible that a guy can not appreciate something with a delicate floral note in the aroma, but it is usually considered that guys prefer something woody, spicy or citrus. Therefore, spas for men often use pure aromas of essential oils, such as sandalwood, cypress, black pepper or grapefruit.
Working out the body with the prefix "for men" will mostly involve deeper techniques, making the assumption that men prefer more pressure on the muscles and tissues. This type of training can also include hitting and tapping with fingers, palms, and special tools. However, you can notice that none of the body work in the Spa menu is only "female". Men, of course, can try any other elaboration. You can choose a Spa for men that meets your physical or emotional needs, rather than choosing something specifically designated for your gender.
Advantages of Spa for men
Spa treatments for face and body are also popular among men. The number of guys who regularly take care of their skin is constantly growing. While some guys consider it a purely feminine activity, imagining a girl with a towel on her head and a cucumber mask over her eyes, men's Spa treatments for the face are actively appearing in the Spa menu of many centers.
Deep cleansing, thorough exfoliation and facial treatment can work wonders for your skin. Face care is a great treatment that helps reduce rashes and inflammation from shaving, fight rough skin, or remove bags under the eyes. If you live and work in a city, pollution from busy avenues and the air can clog your pores and make your skin dull-treatments will refresh and revitalize it.
What guys prefer is relaxing Spa treatments for men that will benefit their body. Many Spa programs offered at SPA Riviera are designed specifically for men's skin care. Among them are procedures that you can order individually, as well as make a couple with your girlfriend.
The most popular men's Spa treatments
Facial: Facials are a good treatment for men who are skeptical about spas. Facial care relaxes and helps you look better, and most men will definitely appreciate the effect. Since men tend to use fewer products, such as daily moisturizer, the result from a Spa treatment will be more noticeable than for girls.
In the Spa menu of our center there are several treatments for the skin of the face and body of men, which you will appreciate:
Spa-procedure "Sultan Homage": includes peeling with alum, as well as the application of oil with a pleasant aroma in the Hammam;
Spa for men in Minsk "Rice and vegetables": a unique procedure for guys, during which you can get an unrealistic result in the form of beautiful and radiant skin, a toned relief of the body, as well as General relaxation of the body. The products that are used during the program include extracts of rice, bamboo and brown algae.
Deep training or sports training: body training will always be a popular SPA for men, as they have an obvious goal-muscle relaxation. We all, at one time or another, feel aching muscle pain or tension, while severe stress can keep us awake at night. A good body workout can get right to the root of these problems and give you physical and mental relaxation, as well as a sense of control over your body.
Paradoxically, the" rougher " men's body work, the more relaxed they will feel after it; but sometimes it is worth considering the opposite approach. Pleasant music and the aroma of oils in the Spa room will create a pleasant atmosphere, allowing you to make the session of working out the body more relaxing.
Saunas and steam rooms: what could be more luxurious than rooms full of swirling steam and heat? This is a popular type of Spa for men for various reasons. Baths and saunas are a long-standing tradition in many cultures, from Turkish baths to Russian steam rooms, and heat is considered the best form of relaxation.
Like working out the body, heat eases muscle tension from sports, exercise, or just poor posture. A good steam or sauna will help to warm the muscles before a deep study of the body, and therefore make it more effective. In the Spa menu of our center there is a unique procedure "Secret of beauty", which includes steaming in a scrub bath, as well as peeling with a special mixture to create the effect of radiant and young skin.
In our menu, you can also choose a luxury program "Before the wedding", which will allow you and your girlfriend to feel like real VIP guests of a luxury Spa center. During the procedure, you will spend more than 4 hours in our AQUATHERM complex, you will be able to try several types of Spa, such as peeling and floating, as well as receive Express facial care.
Why choose SPA Riviera?
Our goal is to create the perfect relaxing holiday with health benefits. We will help you feel younger and better after visiting our center. Our Spa programs are designed to combine relaxation and benefits for the body. And our aquatermal complex, where 17 types of baths, a swimming pool, numerous Spa rooms and a Jacuzzi are gathered under one roof, is a real Paradise for lovers of water recreation.