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Indian Ayurvedic SPA ritual for the body KIZHI

Duration 105 minutes
Cost 230 BYN
Visit SPA

More about the treatment

KIZHI is an Ayurvedic ritual during which the gentle influence of hot bags occurs,
soaked in herbal oil, turmeric and lemon juice.

- washing feet
- healthy head training
- whole body treatment using Indian Ayurvedic oil with herbal extracts, 15 min.
- body treatment with bags soaked in warm Ayurvedic oil, lemon juice and turmeric, 60 min.
- warming up in a steam bath for 10 minutes, shower
- tea party (after the program)

Promotes increased energy and vitality, warms up and deeply relaxes muscles, has a calming effect, and nourishes the skin.


Program's author

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