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Floating For those who dream of living in harmony with 
themselves Like in the Dead Sea, you just don’t have to fly anywhere. Floating - relaxation, harmony, reboot. Steeper than in the Dead Sea, and within Minsk!
To achieve, overcome, and certainly succeed in everything 
and in the shortest possible time - such tasks are
increasingly in the plans
of modern man. What is curious: at the same time, the
popularity of slowdown requests is growing. That is,
Belarusians are interested
not only in how to quickly and efficiently climb to the
very top of success, but also how to maintain harmony
and peace, and not to
lose satisfaction along the way from the result achieved.
We have a solution. Floating is a procedure that helps
to relax as much as
possible, relieve stress, literally reload the body,
simultaneously providing a range of other wonderful
effects. Magic or elementary
Harmony and the power of salt water

- What is the essence of the procedure?
- Floating therapy is a spa procedure that aims at 
complete therapeutic relaxation. In short, during
a session, a person simply lies
in salt water - more precisely, in a special solution of Epsom salts. The magnesium content in it is slightly higher than in the
Dead Sea - due to this, the effect of soaring is created, as if the body is pushed to the surface. - And what is the water temperature maintained? - 34-36 degrees - it is believed that for a person these are optimal numbers. In addition, it does not differ from air temperature,
and it gives an unusual sensation, as if you are in zero gravity.
- Everything happens in a special closed capsule. Does this cause any discomfort? - Yes, the classic version of floating therapy provides
for the use of capsules. But we developed the idea and made the procedure as comfortable as possible. In SPA Riviera, a special large
grotto is organized for this. The water is highlighted, calm music plays, the ceiling is decorated in the style of the starry sky ...
However, it is better to see than to tell.
From the middle of the 20th century to the present day
- It sounds magical. I can’t believe that just lying in salt water can change lives ...
- The fact is that this is not just lying. The method is not taken from the air. Back in the middle of the 20th century, American 
neuropsychologist John Lilly conducted research in this area. He wanted to understand what effect isolation from all external stimuli
has on the human nervous system and brain. Even then, it was obvious that after such therapy, people feel a complete reset of all vital
systems of the body, harmony and peace. - And what exactly was it expressed in?
 - For example, the subjects had normal sleep, they became calmer, felt rested and full of energy. Lilly managed to bring his developments
to an ideal state - he invented the method of sensory deprivation, when brain activity slows down to the optimal minimum. So, in 1972, he,
together with his colleague Glenn Perry, developed a special capsule for floating, which literally worked wonders. Friends called their
invention “Samadhi”, and it became the prototype of modern equipment.
For office managers, pregnant women and athletes
- It seems that this is the solution to all problems. Is there a certain group of people who are shown such relaxation in the first place?
- Yes, almost everyone! The method is ideal for those who feel an urgent need to relax properly. Relaxing sessions are recommended for 
those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not get enough sleep, want to lose weight or improve skin condition. With this salty procedure,
athletes recover more quickly from injuries, while pregnant women seem to have a second wind.
- How quickly can you notice the result?
- The changes are visible even after the first visit to our grotto. The energy after the procedure is in full swing, all our customers are
talking about this. - And how long do the sessions last? - The standard duration of one session begins with 20 minutes, and the maximum is limited to one hour. To achieve the optimal effect,
experts advise to make 7 visits. And yes, it’s more profitable to buy a subscription right here at SPA Riviera. One visit in 20 minutes
will cost 55 rubles, 45 minutes - 80 rubles, for an hourly session you will need to pay 100 rubles. And if you pay for seven procedures
at once, lasting an hour, the price will be 600 rubles - the benefit is obvious.
However, please note that when buying floating less than an hour, you must pay an additional fee for visiting the SPA center. 
- And if you want to share this pleasure with a partner? Do you have any suggestions for couples? - Yes of course! Many just choose this
procedure as a joint. A session for two for 30 minutes will cost 95 rubles.
 No sudden movements
- Do you need some preliminary preparation?
- No, nothing special is needed. But still there are some recommendations. For example, a day before floating, it is better not to shave 
and not to perform depilation by any method. It is also advisable not to take power in 24 hours, and turn off the phone or leave it in the
locker room for the duration of the session. - Are there any rules that you must follow during the session?
“Nothing too complicated.” For example, not to make sudden movements, and some just want this: despite the low water level, some will think
that you are being thrown from side to side. It is necessary to avoid getting the solution in the eyes and on the mucous membranes and, of
course, not try to taste it - at least you will not like it. You can also safely fall asleep during the procedure - it is impossible to
drown in such water. - And what to do after leaving the grotto? - After everything is about the same as after the bath. Take a shower to wash away the remnants of salt and magnesium. It is advisable not
to make sudden movements. If possible, it would be nice to sit in peace for an hour, drink tea or water.
As you can see, no minuses - only pluses. Whether you are a businessman or mother on maternity leave, a student or an office worker, 
floating will help to achieve the long-awaited harmony with yourself and the world, which means you will definitely improve the quality
of life. Experienced SPA Riviera employees will help you choose the best option for you, they will orientate you in the intricacies of the
procedure so that the session passes with all the amenities. Come and see for yourself!
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